
This is just a list of features from the database.

name title status chrome firefox edge safari
aac AAC audio file format other 12 false 12 4
abortcontroller AbortController & AbortSignal ls 66 57 16 13
ac3-ec3 AC-3 (Dolby Digital) and EC-3 (Dolby Digital Plus) codecs other false false 12 false
accelerometer Accelerometer cr 67 false 79 false
addeventlistener EventTarget.addEventListener() ls 4 7 12 4
alternate-stylesheet Alternate stylesheet ls false 2 false false
ambient-light Ambient Light Sensor cr false false false false
apng Animated PNG (APNG) wd 59 3 79 8
array-find-index Array.prototype.findIndex other 45 25 12 8
array-find Array.prototype.find other 45 25 15 8
array-flat flat & flatMap array methods other 69 62 79 12
array-includes Array.prototype.includes other 47 43 14 9
arrow-functions Arrow functions other 45 22 12 10
asmjs asm.js other false 22 13 false
async-clipboard Asynchronous Clipboard API wd 62 false 79 14
async-functions Async functions other 55 52 15 11
atob-btoa Base64 encoding and decoding ls 4 2 12 4
audio-api Web Audio API rec 34 25 12 15
audio Audio element ls 4 20 12 4
audiotracks Audio Tracks ls false false 12 7
autofocus Autofocus attribute ls 5 4 12 5
auxclick Auxclick wd 55 false 79 false
av1 AV1 video format other 70 67 false false
avif AVIF image format other 85 113 false 16.4
background-attachment CSS background-attachment cr 4 25 12 5
background-clip-text Background-clip: text unoff false 49 15 false
background-img-opts CSS3 Background-image options cr 15 4 12 7
background-position-x-y background-position-x & background-position-y unoff 4 49 12 4
background-repeat-round-space CSS background-repeat round and space cr 32 49 12 7
background-sync Background Sync API unoff 49 false 79 false
battery-status Battery Status API cr 38 43 79 false
beacon Beacon API cr 39 31 14 12
beforeafterprint Printing Events ls 63 6 12 13
bigint BigInt other 67 68 79 14
blobbuilder Blob constructing wd 20 13 12 6
bloburls Blob URLs wd 23 4 15 7
border-image CSS3 Border images cr 56 50 14 15.4
border-radius CSS3 Border-radius (rounded corners) cr 5 50 12 5
broadcastchannel BroadcastChannel ls 54 38 79 15.4
brotli Brotli Accept-Encoding/Content-Encoding other 51 44 15 13
calc calc() as CSS unit value cr 26 16 12 7
canvas-blending Canvas blend modes cr 30 20 13 7
canvas-text Text API for Canvas ls 4 4 12 4
canvas Canvas (basic support) ls 4 4 12 4
ch-unit ch (character) unit cr 27 2 12 7
chacha20-poly1305 ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher suites for TLS other 49 47 79 12
channel-messaging Channel messaging ls 4 41 12 5
childnode-remove ChildNode.remove() ls 24 23 13 7
classlist classList (DOMTokenList) ls 28 26 12 7
client-hints-dpr-width-viewport Client Hints: DPR, Width, Viewport-Width other 46 false 79 false
clipboard Synchronous Clipboard API wd false false false 12
colr-v1 COLR/CPAL(v1) Font Formats other 98 107 98 false
colr COLR/CPAL(v0) Font Formats other 110 32 12 14
comparedocumentposition Node.compareDocumentPosition() ls 30 4 12 10
console-basic Basic console logging functions ls 4 4 12 4
console-time console.time and console.timeEnd ls 4 10 12 4
const const other 49 36 12 11
constraint-validation Constraint Validation API ls 40 51 17 10
contenteditable contenteditable attribute (basic support) ls 4 4 12 4
contentsecuritypolicy Content Security Policy 1.0 cr 25 23 12 7
contentsecuritypolicy2 Content Security Policy Level 2 rec 40 45 79 10
cookie-store-api Cookie Store API unoff 87 false 87 false
cors Cross-Origin Resource Sharing ls 13 4 12 false
createimagebitmap createImageBitmap ls 59 false 79 false
credential-management Credential Management API wd 57 false 79 false
cryptography Web Cryptography rec 37 34 79 11
css-all CSS all property rec 37 27 79 10
css-anchor-positioning CSS Anchor Positioning wd false false false false
css-animation CSS Animation wd 43 16 12 9
css-any-link CSS :any-link selector wd 65 50 79 9
css-appearance CSS Appearance wd 84 80 84 15.4
css-at-counter-style CSS Counter Styles cr false false false false
css-autofill :autofill CSS pseudo-class other 110 86 110 15
css-backdrop-filter CSS Backdrop Filter unoff 76 103 79 false
css-background-offsets CSS background-position edge offsets cr 25 13 12 7
css-backgroundblendmode CSS background-blend-mode cr 35 30 79 11
css-boxdecorationbreak CSS box-decoration-break cr false 32 false false
css-boxshadow CSS3 Box-shadow cr 10 4 12 6
css-canvas CSS Canvas Drawings unoff false false false false
css-caret-color CSS caret-color rec 57 53 79 12
css-cascade-layers CSS Cascade Layers cr 99 97 99 15.4
css-cascade-scope Scoped Styles: the @scope rule unoff 118 false 118 false
css-case-insensitive Case-insensitive CSS attribute selectors wd 49 47 79 9
css-clip-path CSS clip-path property (for HTML) cr false 54 false false
css-color-adjust CSS print-color-adjust cr false 48 false 15.4
css-color-function CSS color() function cr 111 113 111 15
css-conic-gradients CSS Conical Gradients wd 71 83 79 13
css-container-queries-style CSS Container Style Queries wd false false false false
css-container-queries CSS Container Queries (Size) wd 106 110 106 16.0
css-container-query-units CSS Container Query Units wd 105 110 105 16.0
css-containment CSS Containment rec 52 69 79 15.4
css-content-visibility CSS content-visibility wd 85 false 85 TP
css-counters CSS Counters rec 4 2 12 4
css-crisp-edges Crisp edges/pixelated images cr false 93 false 10
css-cross-fade CSS Cross-Fade Function cr false false false 10
css-default-pseudo :default CSS pseudo-class wd 51 4 79 11
css-descendant-gtgt Explicit descendant combinator >> unoff false false false 11
css-deviceadaptation CSS Device Adaptation wd false false false false
css-dir-pseudo :dir() CSS pseudo-class wd 120 49 false 16.4
css-display-contents CSS display: contents cr false false false false
css-element-function CSS element() function wd false false false false
css-env-function CSS Environment Variables env() unoff 69 65 79 12
css-exclusions CSS Exclusions Level 1 wd false false false false
css-featurequeries CSS Feature Queries cr 28 22 12 9
css-file-selector-button ::file-selector-button CSS pseudo-element other 89 82 89 15
css-filter-function CSS filter() function wd false false false 10
css-filters CSS Filter Effects wd 53 35 79 10
css-first-letter ::first-letter CSS pseudo-element selector rec 9 4 12 6
css-first-line CSS first-line pseudo-element rec 4 2 12 4
css-fixed CSS position:fixed rec 4 2 12 4
css-focus-visible :focus-visible CSS pseudo-class wd 86 85 86 15.4
css-focus-within :focus-within CSS pseudo-class unoff 60 52 79 11
css-font-palette CSS font-palette wd 101 107 105 15.4
css-font-rendering-controls CSS font-display wd 60 58 79 12
css-font-stretch CSS font-stretch rec 48 9 12 11
css-gencontent CSS Generated content for pseudo-elements rec 4 2 12 4
css-gradients CSS Gradients cr 26 36 12 15.4
css-grid-animation CSS Grid animation cr false 66 false 16.0
css-grid CSS Grid Layout (level 1) cr 58 54 16 11
css-hanging-punctuation CSS hanging-punctuation cr false false false 10
css-has :has() CSS relational pseudo-class wd 105 121 105 15.4
css-hyphens CSS Hyphenation cr 88 43 105 17.0
css-image-orientation CSS3 image-orientation cr 89 26 89 14
css-image-set CSS image-set wd 114 113 114 17.0
css-in-out-of-range :in-range and :out-of-range CSS pseudo-classes wd 53 50 79 11
css-indeterminate-pseudo :indeterminate CSS pseudo-class wd 39 51 79 11
css-initial-letter CSS Initial Letter wd false false false false
css-initial-value CSS initial value cr 4 19 12 4
css-lch-lab LCH and Lab color values cr 111 113 111 15
css-letter-spacing letter-spacing CSS property rec 30 2 12 7
css-line-clamp CSS line-clamp wd false false false false
css-logical-props CSS Logical Properties wd 89 66 89 15
css-marker-pseudo CSS ::marker pseudo-element wd 86 68 86 TP
css-masks CSS Masks cr 120 53 false 15.4
css-matches-pseudo :is() CSS pseudo-class wd 88 78 88 14
css-math-functions CSS math functions min(), max() and clamp() wd 79 75 79 14
css-media-interaction Media Queries: interaction media features cr 41 64 12 9
css-media-range-syntax Media Queries: Range Syntax cr 104 63 104 16.4
css-media-resolution Media Queries: resolution feature cr 68 62 79 16.0
css-media-scripting Media Queries: scripting media feature wd false false false false
css-mediaqueries CSS3 Media Queries rec 26 4 12 7
css-mixblendmode Blending of HTML/SVG elements cr 41 32 79 false
css-motion-paths CSS Motion Path wd 46 72 79 16.0
css-namespaces CSS namespaces rec 4 2 12 4
css-nesting CSS Nesting wd 120 117 false 17.2
css-not-sel-list selector list argument of :not() wd 88 84 88 9
css-nth-child-of selector list argument of :nth-child and :nth-last-child CSS pseudo-classes wd 111 113 111 9
css-opacity CSS3 Opacity rec 4 2 12 4
css-optional-pseudo :optional CSS pseudo-class wd 15 4 12 5
css-overflow-anchor CSS overflow-anchor (Scroll Anchoring) wd 56 66 79 false
css-overflow-overlay CSS overflow: overlay unoff 15 false 79 4
css-overflow CSS overflow property wd 90 81 90 16.0
css-overscroll-behavior CSS overscroll-behavior wd 65 59 79 16.0
css-page-break CSS page-break properties rec false false false false
css-paged-media CSS Paged Media (@page) wd 15 false 79 false
css-paint-api CSS Painting API cr 65 false 79 false
css-placeholder-shown :placeholder-shown CSS pseudo-class wd 47 51 79 9
css-placeholder ::placeholder CSS pseudo-element wd 57 51 79 11
css-print-color-adjust print-color-adjust property other false 97 false 15.4
css-read-only-write CSS :read-only and :read-write selectors ls 36 78 13 9
css-rebeccapurple Rebeccapurple color cr 38 33 12 7
css-reflections CSS Reflections unoff false false false false
css-regions CSS Regions wd false false false false
css-relative-colors CSS Relative colors wd 119 false 119 16.4
css-repeating-gradients CSS Repeating Gradients cr 26 16 12 7
css-resize CSS resize property rec 4 5 79 4
css-revert-value CSS revert value cr 84 67 84 10
css-rrggbbaa #rrggbbaa hex color notation cr 62 49 79 10
css-scroll-behavior CSS Scroll-behavior wd false 36 false 15.4
css-scroll-timeline CSS @scroll-timeline unoff false false false false
css-scrollbar CSS scrollbar styling cr false 64 false false
css-sel2 CSS 2.1 selectors rec 4 2 12 4
css-sel3 CSS3 selectors rec 4 4 12 4
css-selection ::selection CSS pseudo-element wd 4 62 12 4
css-shapes CSS Shapes Level 1 cr 37 62 79 11
css-snappoints CSS Scroll Snap cr 69 68 79 11
css-sticky CSS position:sticky wd 91 59 91 13
css-subgrid CSS Subgrid cr 117 71 117 16.0
css-supports-api CSS.supports() API cr 61 55 79 9
css-table CSS Table display rec 4 3 12 4
css-text-align-last CSS3 text-align-last cr 47 49 79 16.0
css-text-box-trim CSS text-box-trim & text-box-edge wd false false false TP
css-text-indent CSS text-indent cr false 121 false 16.0
css-text-justify CSS text-justify cr false false false false
css-text-orientation CSS text-orientation rec 48 41 79 14
css-text-spacing CSS Text 4 text-spacing wd false false false false
css-text-wrap-balance CSS text-wrap: balance wd 114 121 114 TP
css-textshadow CSS3 Text-shadow cr 4 4 79 4
css-touch-action CSS touch-action property rec 36 57 12 false
css-transitions CSS3 Transitions wd 26 16 12 7
css-unicode-bidi CSS unicode-bidi property cr 48 50 79 false
css-unset-value CSS unset value rec 41 27 13 10
css-variables CSS Variables (Custom Properties) cr 49 31 16 10
css-when-else CSS @when / @else conditional rules wd false false false false
css-widows-orphans CSS widows & orphans rec 25 false 12 7
css-width-stretch width: stretch property other false false false false
css-writing-mode CSS writing-mode property rec 48 41 12 11
css-zoom CSS zoom unoff 4 false 12 4
css3-attr CSS3 attr() function for all properties unoff false false false false
css3-boxsizing CSS3 Box-sizing wd 10 29 12 6
css3-colors CSS3 Colors rec 4 3 12 4
css3-cursors-grab CSS grab & grabbing cursors rec 68 27 15 11
css3-cursors-newer CSS3 Cursors: zoom-in & zoom-out rec 37 24 12 9
css3-cursors CSS3 Cursors (original values) rec 5 4 14 5
css3-tabsize CSS3 tab-size cr 42 91 79 14
currentcolor CSS currentColor value rec 4 2 12 4
custom-elements Custom Elements (deprecated V0 spec) unoff 33 false 79 false
custom-elementsv1 Custom Elements (V1) ls 67 63 79 false
customevent CustomEvent ls 15 11 12 7
datalist Datalist element ls 69 110 79 13
dataset dataset & data-* attributes ls 45 6 12 false
datauri Data URIs other 4 2 79 4
date-tolocaledatestring Date.prototype.toLocaleDateString other 70 56 18 12
declarative-shadow-dom Declarative Shadow DOM unoff 90 false 90 16.4
decorators Decorators unoff false false false false
details Details & Summary elements ls 36 49 79 12
deviceorientation DeviceOrientation & DeviceMotion events cr false false 12 false
devicepixelratio Window.devicePixelRatio wd 4 18 12 4
dialog Dialog element ls 37 98 79 15.4
dispatchevent EventTarget.dispatchEvent ls 4 2 12 4
dnssec DNSSEC and DANE other false false false false
do-not-track Do Not Track API unoff 23 32 17 6
document-currentscript document.currentScript ls 29 4 12 8
document-evaluate-xpath document.evaluate & XPath unoff 4 3 12 4
document-execcommand Document.execCommand() unoff 4 9 12 6
document-policy Document Policy unoff false false false false
document-scrollingelement document.scrollingElement wd 44 48 14 9
documenthead document.head ls 4 4 12 6
dom-manip-convenience DOM manipulation convenience methods ls 54 49 17 10
dom-range Document Object Model Range ls 4 2 12 4
domcontentloaded DOMContentLoaded ls 4 2 12 4
dommatrix DOMMatrix cr false false false false
download Download attribute ls 14 20 13 11
dragndrop Drag and Drop ls 4 4 18 4
element-closest Element.closest() ls 41 35 15 9
element-from-point document.elementFromPoint() wd 15 3 12 5
element-scroll-methods Scroll methods on elements (scroll, scrollTo, scrollBy) wd 61 36 79 14
eme Encrypted Media Extensions rec 42 38 12 12
eot EOT - Embedded OpenType fonts unoff false false false false
es5 ECMAScript 5 other 23 21 12 6
es6-class ES6 classes other 49 45 13 9
es6-generators ES6 Generators other 39 26 13 10
es6-module-dynamic-import JavaScript modules: dynamic import() other 63 67 79 12
es6-module JavaScript modules via script tag ls 61 60 79 11
es6-number ES6 Number other 34 32 12 9
es6-string-includes String.prototype.includes other 41 40 12 9
es6 ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) other false false false 10
eventsource Server-sent events ls 6 6 79 5
extended-system-fonts ui-serif, ui-sans-serif, ui-monospace and ui-rounded values for font-family wd false false false 14
feature-policy Feature Policy unoff 74 false 79 false
fetch Fetch ls 42 40 14 11
fieldset-disabled disabled attribute of the fieldset element ls 20 4 12 6
fileapi File API wd 38 28 79 10
filereader FileReader API wd 6 4 12 6
filereadersync FileReaderSync wd 15 8 12 6
filesystem Filesystem & FileWriter API unoff false false false false
flac FLAC audio format other 56 51 16 13
flexbox-gap gap property for Flexbox wd 84 63 84 15
flexbox CSS Flexible Box Layout Module cr 29 28 12 9
flow-root display: flow-root cr 58 53 79 13
focusin-focusout-events focusin & focusout events wd 15 52 12 6
font-family-system-ui system-ui value for font-family wd 56 92 79 11
font-feature CSS font-feature-settings rec 48 34 12 10
font-kerning CSS3 font-kerning cr 33 34 79 10
font-loading CSS Font Loading wd 35 41 79 10
font-size-adjust CSS font-size-adjust rec false 118 false 17.0
font-smooth CSS font-smooth unoff false false false false
font-unicode-range Font unicode-range subsetting cr 36 44 17 10
font-variant-alternates CSS font-variant-alternates wd 111 34 111 10
font-variant-numeric CSS font-variant-numeric rec 52 34 79 10
fontface @font-face Web fonts rec 4 4 12 4
form-attribute Form attribute ls 10 4 16 6
form-submit-attributes Attributes for form submission ls 15 4 12 6
form-validation Form validation ls 10 4 12 11
forms HTML5 form features ls 61 false 16 false
fullscreen Full Screen API ls 71 64 79 16.4
gamepad Gamepad API wd 25 29 12 11
geolocation Geolocation rec 5 4 12 5
getboundingclientrect Element.getBoundingClientRect() wd 4 12 79 4
getcomputedstyle getComputedStyle rec 11 4 12 5
getelementsbyclassname getElementsByClassName ls 4 3 12 4
getrandomvalues crypto.getRandomValues() rec 11 21 12 7
gyroscope Gyroscope cr 67 false 79 false
hardwareconcurrency navigator.hardwareConcurrency ls 37 48 15 false
hashchange Hashchange event ls 5 4 12 5
heif HEIF/HEIC image format other false false false 17.0
hevc HEVC/H.265 video format other false false false 13
hidden hidden attribute ls 6 4 12 6
high-resolution-time High Resolution Time API rec 24 15 12 8
history Session history management ls 5 4 12 6
html-media-capture HTML Media Capture rec false false false false
html5semantic HTML5 semantic elements ls 26 21 12 7
http-live-streaming HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) unoff false false 12 6
http2 HTTP/2 protocol other 41 36 12 11
http3 HTTP/3 protocol other 87 88 87 false
iframe-sandbox sandbox attribute for iframes ls 4 28 12 5
iframe-seamless seamless attribute for iframes unoff false false false false
iframe-srcdoc srcdoc attribute for iframes ls 20 25 79 6
imagecapture ImageCapture API wd 59 false 79 false
ime Input Method Editor API unoff false false false false
img-naturalwidth-naturalheight naturalWidth & naturalHeight image properties ls 4 2 12 4
import-maps Import maps unoff 89 108 89 16.4
imports HTML Imports wd 36 false 79 false
indeterminate-checkbox indeterminate checkbox ls 28 4 12 6
indexeddb IndexedDB rec 24 16 79 10
indexeddb2 IndexedDB 2.0 rec 58 51 79 11
inline-block CSS inline-block rec 4 3 12 4
innertext HTMLElement.innerText ls 4 45 12 4
input-autocomplete-onoff autocomplete attribute: on & off values ls 17 2 false 6
input-color Color input type ls 20 29 14 13
input-datetime Date and time input types ls 25 false 13 false
input-email-tel-url Email, telephone & URL input types ls 5 4 12 5
input-event input event ls 66 49 79 14
input-file-accept accept attribute for file input ls 26 37 79 12
input-file-directory Directory selection from file input unoff 30 50 14 12
input-file-multiple Multiple file selection ls 5 4 12 4
input-inputmode inputmode attribute ls 66 95 79 false
input-minlength Minimum length attribute for input fields ls 40 51 17 11
input-number Number input type ls 6 false 79 5
input-pattern Pattern attribute for input fields ls 10 4 12 11
input-placeholder input placeholder attribute ls 4 4 12 5
input-range Range input type ls 4 23 12 4
input-search Search input type ls 26 false 79 6
input-selection Selection controls for input & textarea ls 4 2 12 4
insert-adjacent Element.insertAdjacentElement() & Element.insertAdjacentText() ls 4 48 12 4
insertadjacenthtml Element.insertAdjacentHTML() cr 4 8 12 4
internationalization Internationalization API other 24 29 12 10
intersectionobserver-v2 IntersectionObserver V2 unoff 74 false 79 false
intersectionobserver IntersectionObserver wd 58 55 16 13
intl-pluralrules Intl.PluralRules API other 63 58 79 13
intrinsic-width Intrinsic & Extrinsic Sizing wd false false false 16.0
jpeg2000 JPEG 2000 image format other false false false 6
jpegxl JPEG XL image format other false false false 17.0
jpegxr JPEG XR image format other false false 12 false
js-regexp-lookbehind Lookbehind in JS regular expressions other 62 78 79 16.4
json JSON parsing other 4 4 12 4
justify-content-space-evenly CSS justify-content: space-evenly wd 60 52 79 11
kerning-pairs-ligatures High-quality kerning pairs & ligatures unoff 4 3 18 5
keyboardevent-charcode KeyboardEvent.charCode unoff 4 3 12 4
keyboardevent-code KeyboardEvent.code wd 48 38 79 11
keyboardevent-getmodifierstate KeyboardEvent.getModifierState() wd 30 15 12 11
keyboardevent-key KeyboardEvent.key wd 51 29 79 11
keyboardevent-location KeyboardEvent.location wd 30 15 12 7
keyboardevent-which KeyboardEvent.which unoff 4 2 12 6
lazyload Resource Hints: Lazyload unoff false false 12 false
let let other 49 44 12 11
link-icon-png PNG favicons ls 4 2 12 4
link-icon-svg SVG favicons ls false false false false
link-rel-dns-prefetch Resource Hints: dns-prefetch wd 4 false 12 5
link-rel-modulepreload Resource Hints: modulepreload ls 66 115 79 17.0
link-rel-preconnect Resource Hints: preconnect wd 46 40 79 12
link-rel-prefetch Resource Hints: prefetch wd 8 2 12 false
link-rel-preload Resource Hints: preload cr 50 85 79 12
link-rel-prerender Resource Hints: prerender wd 13 false 79 false
loading-lazy-attr Lazy loading via attribute for images & iframes ls 77 121 79 16.4
localecompare localeCompare() other 24 29 12 10
magnetometer Magnetometer cr 67 false 79 false
matchesselector matches() DOM method ls 34 34 15 8
matchmedia matchMedia wd 9 6 12 6
mathml MathML rec 24 4 false 10
maxlength maxlength attribute for input and textarea elements ls 4 51 79 6
mdn-css-backdrop-pseudo-element CSS ::backdrop pseudo-element other 37 47 79 15.4
mdn-css-unicode-bidi-isolate-override isolate-override from unicode-bidi other 48 50 79 11
mdn-css-unicode-bidi-isolate isolate from unicode-bidi other 48 50 79 11
mdn-css-unicode-bidi-plaintext plaintext from unicode-bidi other 48 50 79 11
mdn-text-decoration-color text-decoration-color property other 57 36 79 13
mdn-text-decoration-line text-decoration-line property other 57 36 79 13
mdn-text-decoration-shorthand text-decoration shorthand property other 57 6 79 false
mdn-text-decoration-style text-decoration-style property other 57 36 79 13
media-fragments Media Fragments rec false false false false
mediacapture-fromelement Media Capture from DOM Elements API wd 62 false 79 false
mediarecorder MediaRecorder API wd 49 29 79 15
mediasource Media Source Extensions rec 31 42 12 8
menu Context menu item (menuitem element) unoff false false false false
meta-theme-color theme-color Meta Tag ls false false false 15
meter meter element ls 8 16 13 6
midi Web MIDI API wd 43 108 79 false
minmaxwh CSS min/max-width/height rec 4 2 12 4
mp3 MP3 audio format other 4 22 12 4
mpeg-dash Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (MPEG-DASH) other false false 12 false
mpeg4 MPEG-4/H.264 video format other 4 35 12 4
multibackgrounds CSS3 Multiple backgrounds cr 4 4 12 4
multicolumn CSS3 Multiple column layout cr false false 12 10
mutation-events Mutation events wd false false false false
mutationobserver Mutation Observer ls 27 14 12 7
namevalue-storage Web Storage - name/value pairs ls 4 4 12 4
native-filesystem-api File System Access API unoff false false false false
nav-timing Navigation Timing API rec 13 7 12 8
netinfo Network Information API unoff false false false false
notifications Web Notifications ls 22 22 14 6
object-entries Object.entries other 54 47 14 11
object-fit CSS3 object-fit/object-position cr 32 36 79 10
object-observe Object.observe data binding unoff 36 false false false
object-values Object.values method other 54 47 14 11
objectrtc Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC other false false 13 false
offline-apps Offline web applications unoff 4 4 12 4
offscreencanvas OffscreenCanvas ls 69 105 79 17.0
ogg-vorbis Ogg Vorbis audio format other 4 4 17 false
ogv Ogg/Theora video format other 4 4 17 false
ol-reversed Reversed attribute of ordered lists ls 20 18 79 7
once-event-listener "once" event listener option ls 55 50 16 10
online-status Online/offline status ls 14 41 12 5
opus Opus audio format other 33 15 14 false
orientation-sensor Orientation Sensor cr 67 false 79 false
outline CSS outline properties cr 4 2 15 4
pad-start-end String.prototype.padStart(), String.prototype.padEnd() other 57 48 15 10
page-transition-events PageTransitionEvent ls 4 2 12 5
pagevisibility Page Visibility rec 33 18 12 7
passive-event-listener Passive event listeners ls 51 49 16 10
passkeys Passkeys other 108 false 108 16.1
passwordrules Password Rules ls false false false 12
path2d Path2D ls 68 48 79 10
payment-request Payment Request API rec 78 false 79 13
pdf-viewer Built-in PDF viewer other 15 19 15 4
permissions-api Permissions API wd 43 46 79 16.0
permissions-policy Permissions Policy wd false false false false
picture-in-picture Picture-in-Picture wd 70 false 79 14
picture Picture element ls 38 38 13 10
ping Ping attribute ls 15 false 17 6
png-alpha PNG alpha transparency rec 4 2 12 4
pointer-events CSS pointer-events (for HTML) unoff 4 4 12 4
pointer Pointer events rec 55 59 12 13
pointerlock Pointer Lock API rec 37 41 13 11
portals Portals unoff false false false false
prefers-color-scheme prefers-color-scheme media query wd 76 67 79 13
prefers-reduced-motion prefers-reduced-motion media query wd 74 63 79 11
progress progress element ls 8 6 12 6
promise-finally Promise.prototype.finally other 63 58 18 12
promises Promises other 33 29 12 8
proximity Proximity API cr false 15 false false
proxy Proxy object other 49 18 12 10
publickeypinning HTTP Public Key Pinning other 38 35 false false
push-api Push API wd false false 17 false
queryselector querySelector/querySelectorAll ls 4 4 12 4
readonly-attr readonly attribute of input and textarea elements ls 26 4 12 6
referrer-policy Referrer Policy cr 85 87 85 false
registerprotocolhandler Custom protocol handling ls false 3 false false
rel-noopener rel=noopener ls 49 52 79 11
rel-noreferrer Link type "noreferrer" ls 16 33 13 5
rellist relList (DOMTokenList) ls 65 30 18 9
rem rem (root em) units cr 4 4 12 5
requestanimationframe requestAnimationFrame ls 24 23 12 7
requestidlecallback requestIdleCallback wd 47 55 79 TP
resizeobserver Resize Observer wd 64 69 79 14
resource-timing Resource Timing cr 25 35 12 12
rest-parameters Rest parameters other 47 15 12 10
rtcpeerconnection WebRTC Peer-to-peer connections wd 56 44 79 11
ruby Ruby annotation ls false 38 false false
run-in display: run-in cr 4 false false 5
same-site-cookie-attribute 'SameSite' cookie attribute other 51 60 18 15
screen-orientation Screen Orientation wd 38 44 79 16.4
script-async async attribute for external scripts ls 8 4 12 6
script-defer defer attribute for external scripts ls 8 31 12 5
scrollintoview scrollIntoView wd 61 36 79 16.0
scrollintoviewifneeded Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() unoff 15 false 79 6
sdch SDCH Accept-Encoding/Content-Encoding other 4 false false false
selection-api Selection API wd 15 52 12 6
server-timing Server Timing wd 65 61 79 false
serviceworkers Service Workers cr 45 44 17 12
setimmediate Efficient Script Yielding: setImmediate() unoff false false 12 false
shadowdom Shadow DOM (deprecated V0 spec) unoff 35 false 79 false
shadowdomv1 Shadow DOM (V1) wd 53 63 79 10
sharedarraybuffer Shared Array Buffer other 68 false 79 false
sharedworkers Shared Web Workers ls 4 29 79 5
sni Server Name Indication other 6 2 12 4
spdy SPDY protocol unoff 4 13 false 8
speech-recognition Speech Recognition API unoff false false false false
speech-synthesis Speech Synthesis API unoff 33 49 14 7
spellcheck-attribute Spellcheck attribute ls 9 2 12 6
sql-storage Web SQL Database unoff 4 false 79 4
srcset Srcset and sizes attributes ls 38 38 16 false
stream getUserMedia/Stream API cr 53 42 12 11
streams Streams ls 89 102 89 false
stricttransportsecurity Strict Transport Security other 4 4 12 7
style-scoped Scoped CSS unoff false 21 false false
subresource-bundling Subresource Loading with Web Bundles unoff 104 false 104 false
subresource-integrity Subresource Integrity rec 45 43 17 11
svg-css SVG in CSS backgrounds cr 5 24 16 5
svg-filters SVG filters rec 8 3 12 6
svg-fonts SVG fonts rec 4 false false 4
svg-fragment SVG fragment identifiers cr 50 15 12 12
svg-html SVG effects for HTML rec false 4 false false
svg-html5 Inline SVG in HTML5 ls 7 4 17 9
svg-img SVG in HTML img element ls 28 4 12 9
svg-smil SVG SMIL animation rec 5 4 79 6
svg SVG (basic support) cr 4 3 79 4
sxg Signed HTTP Exchanges (SXG) other 73 false 79 false
tabindex-attr tabindex global attribute ls 15 false 12 false
template-literals ES6 Template Literals (Template Strings) other 41 34 13 10
template HTML templates ls 35 22 15 9
temporal Temporal other false false false false
testfeat Test feature - updated unoff false false false false
text-decoration text-decoration styling cr false false false false
text-emphasis text-emphasis styling cr 99 46 99 8
text-overflow CSS3 Text-overflow rec 4 7 12 4
text-size-adjust CSS text-size-adjust unoff 54 false 79 false
text-stroke CSS text-stroke and text-fill unoff false false false false
textcontent Node.textContent ls 4 2 12 4
textencoder TextEncoder & TextDecoder ls 38 20 79 11
tls1-1 TLS 1.1 other 22 24 12 7
tls1-2 TLS 1.2 other 29 27 12 7
tls1-3 TLS 1.3 other 70 63 79 14
touch Touch events rec 22 18 79 false
transforms2d CSS3 2D Transforms cr 36 16 17 9
transforms3d CSS3 3D Transforms wd 36 16 12 15.4
trusted-types Trusted Types for DOM manipulation unoff 83 false 83 false
ttf TTF/OTF - TrueType and OpenType font support other 4 4 12 4
typedarrays Typed Arrays other 7 4 12 6
u2f FIDO U2F API unoff false 67 false 13
unhandledrejection unhandledrejection/rejectionhandled events ls 49 69 79 11
upgradeinsecurerequests Upgrade Insecure Requests cr 43 42 17 11
url-scroll-to-text-fragment URL Scroll-To-Text Fragment unoff 81 false 83 16.1
url URL API ls 32 26 12 8
urlsearchparams URLSearchParams ls 49 44 17 11
use-strict ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode other 13 4 12 6
user-select-none CSS user-select: none wd 54 69 79 TP
user-timing User Timing API rec 25 38 12 11
variable-fonts Variable fonts wd 67 false 17 15
vector-effect SVG vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke cr 15 15 79 6
vibration Vibration API rec 30 16 79 false
video Video element ls 4 20 12 4
videotracks Video Tracks ls false false 12 7
view-transitions View Transitions API (single-document) wd 111 false 111 false
viewport-unit-variants Small, Large, and Dynamic viewport units wd 108 101 108 15.4
viewport-units Viewport units: vw, vh, vmin, vmax cr 26 19 16 7
wai-aria WAI-ARIA Accessibility features rec false false false false
wake-lock Screen Wake Lock API cr 85 122 90 16.4
wasm WebAssembly other 57 53 16 11
wav Wav audio format other 8 4 12 4
wbr-element wbr (word break opportunity) element ls 4 2 12 4
web-animation Web Animations API wd 84 81 84 15
web-app-manifest Add to home screen (A2HS) wd 39 false 79 false
web-bluetooth Web Bluetooth unoff false false false false
web-serial Web Serial API unoff 89 false 89 false
web-share Web Share API cr false false 95 14
webauthn Web Authentication API rec 67 false 18 13
webcodecs WebCodecs API wd 94 false 94 false
webgl WebGL - 3D Canvas graphics other 33 24 79 8
webgl2 WebGL 2.0 other 56 51 79 15
webgpu WebGPU wd false false 113 false
webhid WebHID API unoff 89 false 89 false
webkit-user-drag CSS -webkit-user-drag property unoff false false false 4
webm WebM video format other 25 28 79 16.0
webnfc Web NFC unoff false false false false
webp WebP image format other 32 65 18 16.0
websockets Web Sockets ls 16 11 12 7
webtransport WebTransport wd 97 114 98 false
webusb WebUSB unoff 61 false 79 false
webvr WebVR API unoff false false false false
webvtt WebVTT - Web Video Text Tracks cr 18 false 12 6
webworkers Web Workers ls 4 4 12 4
webxr WebXR Device API cr false false false false
will-change CSS will-change property cr 36 36 79 10
woff WOFF - Web Open Font Format rec 5 4 12 6
woff2 WOFF 2.0 - Web Open Font Format rec 36 39 14 12
word-break CSS3 word-break cr 44 15 12 9
wordwrap CSS3 Overflow-wrap cr 23 49 18 7
x-doc-messaging Cross-document messaging ls 4 3 12 4
x-frame-options X-Frame-Options HTTP header other false 18 12 false
xhr2 XMLHttpRequest advanced features ls 31 12 12 8
xhtml XHTML served as application/xhtml+xml ls 4 2 12 4
xhtmlsmil XHTML+SMIL animation unoff false false false false
xml-serializer DOM Parsing and Serialization cr 31 12 12 8
zstd zstd (Zstandard) content-encoding other false false false false